‘I am infinitely loved’ – Messenger booklet

I Am Infinitely Loved: A Month of Meditations (Messenger Publications) » by Brian Grogan SJ is a revised edition of one of this bestselling author’s most popular titles. The Irish Jesuit, an experienced spiritual director, conveys the essence of Ignatian spirituality in an accessible booklet of 31 daily meditations. Each entry consists of a verse from Scripture, personalised for individual use, with an accompanying meditation in the form of a conversation with God which explores an aspect of God’s dealings with us.
Brian Grogan SJ writes in the introduction:
“The cover title comes from Pope Francis and we shall explore its depths. His statement, ‘When everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved’ is the single theme of this book, viewed from various angles.
The word ‘love’ is endlessly rich – it comes up 872 times in the Bible, referring to married and parental love, to the love that sustains friendship and centrally to the love of God for all of us.
The word ‘infinite’ means that God’s love for me is endless: no matter how much I stretch it there is always, always more.”
The daily meditations provide much food for thought and love to ponder. For example, Grogan writes in meditation eight (Are you fussy about my failings?):
“How about my wrong-doing? I can feel embarrassed that it’s a while since my Confession, but can I dare to ask if maybe you are less preoccupied about my wrong-doing than I used to think?
Given your infinite love, perhaps you really don’t delay on my failings but instead immediately look to see how you can get me going again on the road that leads to you?”
The Scripture verse for this meditation reads: ‘I blot out your wrongdoings, and I will not remember your sins’ (Isaiah 43:25).
In meditation seventeen (I can trust your plan), the author writes:
“You support my well-intentioned plans so that they bear fruit disproportionate to my little efforts. Other times you save me when my bright ideas are heading for disaster.
My plans are always provisional; they depend on factors outside my control; but yours won’t fail. Your plans are wise and loving, crafted for the good of the whole human race, no matter how chaotic the world may seem.”
The related Scripture verse states: ‘I know the plans I have in mind for you, plans for peace and not disaster, to give you a future full of hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11).
In helping to find the treasure hidden in the field of our hearts, these meditations reveal how we are truly and infinitely loved by God. An inspirational and enriching collection which will open hearts and enhance our prayer experience.
The short Scripture quotes can serve as a daily mantra. The fruit of a lifetime’s prayerful reflection around divine love, they offer an enriched way of seeing ourselves and our neighbour, whom God treats with limitless love. We can dare to believe Pope Francis when he says that ‘when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved’.
Brian Grogan SJ is a former president of Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin, and is Emeritus Associate Professor of Spirituality. A best-selling author, he has devoted most of a lifetime to mining and circulating the rich treasures of Ignatian spirituality. Recent books include Pedro Arrupe: A heart larger than the world; Creation Walk: The amazing story of a small blue planet; and Finding God in a Leaf: The mysticism of Laudato Si’.
I Am Infinitely Loved: A month of meditations by Brian Grogan SJ is published in Ireland and the UK by Messenger Publications. It is priced at €7.95/£6.95.