Book launch and celebration of the work of An Timire agus Foilseacháin Ábhar Spioradálta (FS). A number of books will be launched including ‘An Chuallacht Léannta’, essays on the work of Jesuits in Irish Scholarship; ‘Srapnal’, a book of poetry by Pól Ó Muirí; and ‘Conair an Fraince go Santiago’, Frainc Mac Brádaigh’s description of his experiences and personal journey on the Camino. Music will be provided by Ray Mac Mánais (President of Oireachtas na Gaeilge) and Deirdre Seaver, and a great evening’s entertainment, caint agus cómhra, encompassing the best of Irish and French culture is assured. Fáilte roimh cách.