Another ‘first’ for Irish Jesuit

December 20, 2011 in General, News

mosullivan_01Michael O’Sullivan SJ has been appointed to the Editorial Board of Spiritus, a leading international journal for Christian Spirituality, published by Johns Hopkins University Press. The  appointment is for a 5 year term and he is the first Irish academic to be appointed to this board. Michael, who recently celebrated his sixtieth birthday, is Director of the MA in Applied Spirituality in All Hallows College Dublin. In a message to staff there, Ronan Tobin,Vice-President for Academics, said the appointment not only reflected the  high regard Michael O’Sullivan was held in by his peers but it also reflected on the scholarship of the academic staff in the college. Michael has been to the fore in building international  links between third level institutions in order to promote resarch and disseminate knowledge regarding the study of Spirirtuality as an academic discipline.