‘Forgotten Archbishop’ remembered

October 26, 2010 in General, News

toddbook_01_0“A long overdue book, putting on record the life of a self-effacing man who had great concern for the poorest of the poor in a city where abject poverty abounded.” So Professor Dermot Keogh of UCC described Todd Morrissey SJ’s latest book, Edward J. Byrne, 1872-1941: The Forgotten Archbishop of Dublin (Columba Press), at the launch in Clonliffe College. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin spoke of Byrne suffering silently from creeping paralysis through most of his years as Archbishop, and of his discretion and humility, which in fact made him an influential man. Todd Morrissey told of his pleasure in chronicling the life of a man who should not be forgotten. “He was a kind, pastoral man, a mediator with moral courage. When he died, grown men and women wept in the streets”. Next day Todd went on to lecture in Rome – see Short Notices below.