Forthcoming events

- Tuesday 10, 17, 24, 31 May, 7 June: Easter Prayer Evenings. Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf Road, Dollymount Dublin 3 at 7.30pm. Further information Tel: 8331352 or email [email protected]
- Wednesday 11 May: Launch of To grow in love by Brian Grogan SJ. The Theatre, Jesuit Conference Centre, Milltown Park, Sandford Rd, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, at 6pm. For further information Tel: 6767491
- Thursday 12 to Saturday 14 May: Conference: “The Spirit of the Child”. Waterford Institute of Technology. Further information Tel: 8520717 or email [email protected]
- Thursday 12 May: Living and Learning series ‘Where the Hell is God in human suffering’? Magis Ireland, Jesuit Youth adult ministry, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1. Further information contact Noelle Fitzpatrick Tel: 8943161 or email [email protected]
- Thursday 12 May: Discover Programme “An evening with Peter McVerry SJ. The relationship between Faith and Justice”. Magis Ireland, Jesuit Youth adult ministry, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1at 7.30pm. Further information contact Padraig Swan at Tel: 8943164
- Thursday 12,19, 26 May: ‘Insight form the Mystics’ series of talks by Brendan Comerford SJ. Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf Road, Dollymount Dublin 3 at 8pm. Further information Tel: 8331352 or email [email protected]
- Monday 16 May: Launch of A new Vision for the Catholic Church A View from Ireland by Gerry O’Hanlon SJ. The Ignatian Room, St. Francis Xavier’s Church Gardiner Street, Dublin 1 at 5.30pm. Further information Tel: 6886814
- Sunday 22 May: Steps2Serenity one day retreat. Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf Road, Dollymount Dublin 3 at 9am to 5pm cost €30. Further information Tel: 8331352 or email [email protected]
- Thursday 26 May: Living and Learning series “Faith in relationships” ? Magis Ireland, Jesuit Youth adult ministry, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin 1. Further information contact Noelle Fitzpatrick Tel: 8943161 or email [email protected]
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