Imaginations kindled

September 13, 2011 in General, News

mpg_gardiner_02“We stand in the stream of love that is God’s life…. It makes a lot of difference whether you think this kind of love is a possibility for us humans”. A quote from philosopher Charles Taylor by Michael Paul Gallagher SJ, in his powerpoint talk in Gardiner St. Chapel, on Tue 30 August. ‘Imagination: A Spiritual Anchor for Today’ was his theme, and recovering the imagination as ‘the faculty of possibility’ was the challenge. Theologian, writer and former lecturer in English, Michael Paul illustrated the  power of the imagination as a tool for spiritual development, with insights from people like Karl Rahner, Dorothee Sölle, Bernard Lonergan, John Henry Newman, and Emily Dickinson, who said that “The possible’s slow fuse is lit by imagination”.