‘Another Way’ for Galway’s Youth

June 5, 2012 in 2008

Slí Eile, the Jesuit Centre for Young Adults will officially launch their Galway outreach on Thursday 27th November 2008 at 7.00pm in the Jesuit Centre for Spirituality, 6 Ely Place, Sea Road and all are welcome.

The work of Slí Eile centres on the three areas of spirituality, justice and community. Young adults (18-35yrs) are invited to participate in a variety of programmes, events and activities which strive to respond to faith and justice issues in modern society in a way that is open, creative and relevant. They take part in local volunteering in Galway city, international volunteering in Zambia, Colombia, Jamaica and South Africa, retreats led by young adults, pilgrimages at home and abroad and faith sharing groups.

Edel Roddy, the local co-ordinator with Slí Eile says that “The variety of activities Sli Eile offers really captures the imagination: nothing feels forced and yet young adults sense that they have grown in their faith journey and in their desire to seek justice in situations of poverty and disadvantage”.

Sli Eile was founded in Dublin in 2000 as part of the Jesuit outreach to young people. Its director Padraig Swan says that “Sli Eile, which is the Irish for ‘another way’, and the young adults involved in the organisation are challenging the stereotype that this generation is self-centred and materialistic. They have a vision based on the Jesuit belief that caring for others and working for justice is an integral part of faith.”

Slí Eile welcomes new people and is open to any suggestions and ideas on programmes that could be developed in Galway.