Pope Video: Pray for Pope Francis
In the Pope Video for November 2023 we are called to pray for the Pope.
Pope Francis – November 2023
“Pope Francis explains that “the fact that someone is Pope doesn’t mean they lose their humanity.” On the contrary, “being Pope is also a process” in which “the person becomes aware of what it means to be a pastor.” For this reason, he invites us to ask the Lord to bless him. And to pray “that the Pope, whoever he might be, today it is my turn, may receive the help of the Holy Spirit, that he may be docile to that help.” We invite you to join us in this prayer for the Pope, so that in the exercise of his mission, he may continue to accompany in the faith the flock entrusted to him by Jesus, always with the help of the Holy Spirit. “Pray to the Lord that he will bless me. Your prayer gives me strength and helps me to discern and to accompany the Church, listening to the Holy Spirit. The fact that someone is Pope doesn’t mean they lose their humanity. On the contrary, my humanity grows each day with God’s holy and faithful people. Because being Pope is also a process. The person becomes aware of what it means to be a pastor. And in this process, he learns how to be more charitable, more merciful, and, above all, more patient, like God our Father, who is so patient. I can imagine that at the beginning of their pontificate, all the Popes had this feeling of trepidation, apprehension, knowing that he will be judged harshly. For the Lord will ask us Bishops to give a serious account. Please, I ask you to judge benevolently. And to pray that the Pope, whoever he might be, today it is my turn, may receive the help of the Holy Spirit, that he may be docile to that help. Let us pray for the Pope, so that in the exercise of his mission, he may continue to accompany in the faith the flock entrusted to him by Jesus, always with the help of the Holy Spirit. Let us make, in silence, this prayer: your prayer over me. And pray for me! Favorably!” By the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)“
Fr Frédéric Fornos S.J. International Director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, acknowledges that Francis’ video is significant because from day one, in these ten years, his pontificate has been characterised by an uninterrupted request for the prayer of all.
He recalls that unforgettable 13 of March 2013, when the Pope was elected and appeared on the balcony of the Vatican Basilica. Francis, before giving his blessing to the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square, asked for people’s prayer. “I ask you to pray to the Lord to bless me,” Francis said. After highlighting the importance of “People’s prayer asking for the blessing of their bishop”, the new Pope asked for a moment of silence so that those listening could pray for him.
From the beginning, Francis has given great importance to prayer, when he asks to pray not only for him, but also for the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. Francis is the one who has promoted the recreation of the Apostleship of Prayer as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, making it a Pontifical Work, a Vatican Foundation. It is also the Holy Father who has participated every month since 2016 in the Pope’s Video to talk to everybody’s heart and to invite to pray. He is also the one who has made Click To Pray his prayer platform, creating his personal profile in 2019.
https://www.popesprayer.va/ To see other videos and content about the Pope’s prayer intentions, go to: https://thepopevideo.org/ With the collaboration of Vatican Media https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html