Bring your camera along for a time to notice what is happening around you – and take some time to see what is seeking life within you. These summer days in the setting of Manresa in Dollymount, Dublin, will use the lens of photography to consider light and life. Characteristics and qualities of light and composition will be explored and participants will be invited to find, reflect on and share images. Expertise in photography or specialist equipment are not a requirement but participants are invited to use their favourite camera or smartphone to help them to notice, appreciate and receive some images and to use those pictures as prompts to prayer. Some opportunities for one-to-one meetings will be available and all are welcome to attend mass in the centre’s Arrupe Chapel.
8:00 pm Sunday 7 July 2019 to 2:00 pm Friday 12 July 2019
Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf Road, Dollymount, Dublin 3. Telephone 01 833 1352,