Jesuit Tertians retreat

November 23, 2011 in General, News

tertians_01Twelve Jesuits took an important step on Saturday 19 November when they began their thirty-day retreat in Dollymount. The twelve Tertians are being directed in the Spiritual Exercises by Joe Dargan, Jan Van de Poll and Kevin O’Rourke. Nine of this year’s Tertians are from European Provinces and three from Asia –  Brendan McManus and Piaras Jackson of the Irish province being among the group. The Tertians spent their first weeks in to study the history of the Society and the Constitutions and considered a range of topics with presentations by the instructors and visiting speakers. They will leave Dollymount in January to spend three months on placements before Tertianship finishes in May. They ask to be remembered in your prayer at this time. You will find an outline of the weekly theme on the Tertianship website,