Priest from a cul-de-sac!

December 21, 2011 in General, News

billtoner_01Bill Toner SJ blessed a memorial flower box in honour of the deceased friends and neighbours of the residents of Croftwood Park, in Cherry Orchard, Dublin, Monday 12 December,4pm. He did so at the invitation of the local residents association and there was a substantial turn out from the area on the cold winter afternoon. As part of the ceremony Bill also presented four local boys and four girls with the ‘Young Persons Achievement Award’ -gifts to thank them for their involvement in local projects during the year. Bill and Gerry O Hanlon SJ have lived in Croftwood for over twenty years and have worked with the people on community development issues and projects for the local children. Very much a part of the community, the invitation  from the resident’s associatoin simply described Bill as ‘the priest from the cul-de-sac’!