Short notices

September 1, 2009 in General, News
  • jadams_01Congratulations to Brother John Adams (pictured here), 60 years a Jesuit and 25 years a major figure in Milltown Park, where his contribution has been simply immeasurable.
  • Joe Keaney is in Cherryfield, exercising a new hip, while the Irish Catholic features him in an excellent interview.
    Chief celebrant at the Boston funeral Mass for Senator Edward Kennedy was Boston College Chancellor J. Donald Monan, S.J.,  a close friend of Sen. Kennedy, who had served as a University Trustee at Boston College from 1976-1991.
  • Jim Corkery has just published a book: JOSEPH RATZINGER’S THEOLOGICAL IDEAS, which is available from and (on the other side of the Atlantic) from (or from, of course).  It will be formally launched in Milltown towards the  end of September.


    1-3 September: Meetings

    4-5 September: Attending vow ceremony in Birmingham noviciate

    8 September: CORI AGM all day