Ballymun choir does gig for Simon
The Ballymun Gospel Choir and Band is scheduled to perform at a special event to highlight the plight of homeless people and the work of the Dublin Simon Community. It will take place at St Anne’s Church, Dawson Street, on Saturday 14 June at 8.00pm. Dublin Simon offers homeless people a ‘continuum of care’, from soup runs and emergency shelter to transitional housing and resettlement. The Ballymun choir, managed by Slí Eile, regularly raise the roof at 7 o’clock Mass on Sundays in Shangan Road Church, Ballymun. Tickets for the Dawson Street event cost €10 and will be on sale on Sunday 1 and 8 June at the Gospel Choir Masses in Ballymun and Gardiner Street. Also from the Slí Eile office in Gardiner St and at Simon Community shops. For those interested, there will be a post-gig party at The Teachers Club, Parnell Square.