Forthcoming events
- Former Taoiseach John Bruton, currently the EU’s representative in Washington, USA, will give the Fourth Public Lecture sponsored by Studies and The Iona Institute: on ‘The role of religion and Christianity in the European Union’. Monday, 16 November: 8 p.m. in the Alexander Hotel, Dublin 2 (behind the Davenport Hotel). Admission is free.
- Also in mid-November Fr Stephen Chow, Jesuit Supervisor of the two Wah Yan colleges in Hong Kong, will visit Dublin for four days (14-18 November) to see the Belvedere-Wah Yan exchange programme in action, and to visit old friends – Stephen made his noviciate in Manresa. Further details closer to the date.
- The Leinster PTAA will host their provincial conference on Saturday 7 November next at The Hazel Hotel, Co. Kildare. All Leinster Pioneers are welcome to attend.