Forthcoming events
- 11 March: Manresa 9-day retreat starting on 11 March and finishing Easter Sunday, 4 April
- 24 March: Movies that Matter, Manresa
- 27 March: Pre-marriage course Milltown Institute further information on
- 28 March: Lay Retreat Association one-day retreat for Men will be held in The Emmaus Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin
- 30 March: Gardiner Street, Holy week Reconciliation Service at 7.30pm
- 1 April: Gardiner Street, Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm followed by Prayer in the Garden 8.45pm
- 2 April: Gardiner Street, Good Friday Stations of the Cross at 12 noon. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3pm. Followed by Prayer around the Cross at 7.30pm
- 3 April: Gardiner Street, Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 9.30pm
- 3 April: Michael Paul Gallagher with Andy O’Mahony, RTE Radio 1, 7pm
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