Response to Kenya
Due to the post election violence in Kenya recently, the Irish Missionary Resource Service (IMRS) set up an emergency fund to help cope with many thousands of people displaced by the ethnic violence. The Irish Jesuit Mission Office has successfully processed two applications for this fund. A grant of €15,000 was approved for relief work by the Jesuit Refugee Service in Western Kenya. The money will be spent on tents, clothing, food and counselling among a population of 2,000 Internally Displaced families in Kachimbola, about 30km from Kitale. A second grant has just been approved for food, shelter and educational needs of 2,000 people who fled for protection to the Jesuit Parish of Saint Joseph the Worker in Kangemi, Nairobi. Frs John Guiney SJ and Gerry Whelan SJ have served for many years in this parish. It is hoped to submit a third project by the Jesuit Hakimani Centre to rebuild peace in the community in the near future.