Short notices
The BBC has confirmed the transmission dates of The Big Silence, a three-part series made by Tiger Aspect Productions for BBC2, much of which was filmed at St Beuno’s Retreat Centre in Wales (pictured here). The programmes will air on Friday 22 and 29 October and 5 November at 7.00pm. The British Jesuits have also published a 44-page booklet to accompany the series to help people step back from their busy lives to experience stillness. Entitled Growing into Silence, it was written by Fr Paul Nicholson SJ and includes chapters by the four spiritual guides who took part in the TV series.
- J.U.S.T receives Award for Excellence: On the 9th September, J.U.S.T. received an Award for “Excellence in Third Level Support”. The Award was made by the Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership. A framed Certificate to this effect was presented to J.U.S.T. at the Ballymun Education fair by Pat Carey, Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs.
- Two items from Colaiste Iognaid, Galway: Mr. Bernie O’Connell has informed the Board that he intends retiring as Principal on December 31st, 2010. The search for his successor is under way. And the Jes Mountaineering club started their year by scaling Carrantuohil in Co. Kerry, Ireland’s highest mountain, on Sunday October 3. Many of the students were new to the club and still managed the 1000m ascent and steep approaches without any bother. The group stayed at a hostel in Killarney to facilitate an early start for the climb.
- Autumn Meeting of Jesuits in Colleges: Nineteen Jesuits met in Manresa on Friday/Saturday, October 1st and 2nd, 2010. All seven of our schools were represented, Clongowes (7); Belvedere (4); Gonzaga (3), Coláiste Iognáid (2); CCC (1); St Declan’s (1) and Scoil Iognáid (1). Michael Sheil wore two hats, being involved in both Clongowes and Belvedere but he is only included in the Clongowes numbers. We remembered those who could not come at our two Masses and prayed particularly for Derek and his return to health and our meetings. Dublin proved a more convenient location for the group. Our Spring meeting will take place on April 1st/2nd.
- Navigating the Gospels: Matthew-the third book in the series by Phil Fogarty SJ is newly published by Columba Press and available from The Messenger Office, 37 Lower Lesson St., Dublin 2 or online:
- The Coláiste Iognáid Building Programme passed a milestone this week: the old Jesuit Community building was reduced to rubble. This was no push-over. Its builders some seventy years ago were generous with steel beams and concrete, in constructing an unexpectedly sturdy building. It was with mixed emotions that various members of the Jesuit Community watched its demolition, many remembering stories and anecdotes from the past.
- A recently recorded interview with Joe Mallin SJ, by independent documentary maker Brian O’Tiomain, was broadcast on Radio na Life, 106.4FM on Tuesday 12 October 10.00am. It can also be heard on . CD’s also available. Call Geraldine @01 4987370.
FR PROVINCIAL’S DIARY 7-8 October: Superiors’ meeting 13-19 October: EOC/CEP in Switzerland 22-23 October: Consult |
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