The Ignatian way

May 26, 2009 in General, News

liverpool_01.jpgJoe Greenan of Partners in Mission and Eoin Carroll of the Jesuit Centre of Faith and Justice attended a course on ‘Living and Working in an Ignatian Way’, run by the British Province and held at Loyola Hall in Liverpool last week. Partners in Mission is one of the Inter Provincial Commissions set up to explore ways in which the British, North Belgian, Dutch and Irish Province can share formation initiatives and  resources in the future. The programme is designed to assist those working in Jesuit Works in deepening their appreciation of the Jesuit ‘way of proceeding’ and this is the third year that it has been made available.  The course in Liverpool explored the life and writings of St. Ignatius, aspects of the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatian Relationships and engagement in the world.