“This awful deed…”

November 3, 2009 in General, News

pmcv_homily_01“The person who pulled the trigger will have to live with this awful deed forever”. So spoke Fr Peter McVerry SJ, at the funeral mass of Jason Egan in St Luke the Evangelist’s Church in Mulhuddart, Co Dublin, on Saturday 31 Oct. The twenty-three year old father of two was shot dead outside his mother’s shop in Ladyswell Road, Mulhuddart the previous week. Over four hundred mourners packed into the tiny church for the funeral. Peter McVerry SJ, who has known the family for a long time, said the killing was” a senseless act for which there could be no justification”. The family had requested he conduct the funeral. and the cortege stopped at the spot where he was murdered, before continuing to Glasnevin Cemetry.