Trekking for the homeless
A 60-kilometer trek across the rough terrain of Iceland – that is the challenge which the Peter McVerry Trust is posing to anyone who would like to help them raise money for homeless services in Dublin. Seán Connolly and Lesley Hanna (pictured here) are former trekkers for this cause, and they remember the event with great fondness. The trek took them past volcanoes, cliffs, glaciers, thundering waterfalls, steaming lava fields, boiling mud pools, and spouting geysers! Says Seán, ““I have wonderful memories of the trek I did for the Trust. Our group was made up of people of all ages and I made great friends with all of them. I would encourage anyone to take part in the charity’s Iceland Trek – it really will be the experience of a lifetime!” For further details, see the Peter McVerry Trust website.