‘Where to now?’

December 8, 2009 in General, News

pmcverry_01‘Where to now? Ethics and the Future’ was the topic addressed by Peter McVerry SJ to nearly 80 people gathered in Trinity under the auspices of the Church of Ireland Chaplaincy, on Saturday 28 Nov 28th ’09. Under the chairmanship of RTÉ’s Bryan Dobson, he and the other speakers – Senator Ivana Bacik, Justin Kilcullen (Director of Trocaire), and Linda Hogan (Professor of Ecumenics, TCD) – spoke of how they had formed their own ethical values and what they thought were the causes of the current malaise. Fr Peter McVerry said his ethics came from the homeless people with whom he worked. He felt the Celtic tiger had resulted in happiness being seen in unsustainable consumption security in assets, and an excessive individualism where there should be solidarity and community.