Spirituality Institute for Research and Education (SpIRE) is delighted to host a lecture “The Spirituality of Virginia Woolf” with Prof. Stephanie Paulsell in the Jesuit Conference Centre, Milltown Park on Tuesday 8 March at 8.00pm. Prof. Paulsell is Susan Shallcross Swartz Professor of the Practice of Christian Studies at Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University, USA. She is past president of the international Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality and author of a forthcoming book about Virginia Woolf.
The novelist Virginia Woolf may seem an unlikely conversation partner for thinking about spirituality. But her attempts in her novels and essays to find language for the unknowable more in human life–from the mysteries of other human beings to “something in the universe one’s left with”—often emerge from critical engagements with the spiritual dimensions of literary practice. This talk will explore both the complex religious context around Woolf and the shape of spiritual practice in her work, especially two of her greatest novels, Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse.
Admission cost is €10.00 and pre-booking is essential. To book, email Michael O’Sullivan: [email protected]
Register and pay from 7.30 pm; the event starts promptly at 8.00 pm.