Gardiner St Church

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Venerable John Sullivan Mass

St. Francis Xavier Church Gardiner Street, Dublin 1

Monthly Mass in thanksgiving for life of Venerable Fr John Sullivan SJ, and in prayer for his canonisation. Special homily and blessing with crucifix of Fr John Sullivan after Mass. Servant of God, Venerable John Sullivan SJ (1861-1933) was a Jesuit priest with a reputation for sanctity. He was formed in both the Protestant and […]

Jesuit Dublin Walk

As part of National Heritage Week a walking tour will take place focussing on sites of Jesuit history and interest on the north side of Dublin City will take place on 25 August (1.00pm to 2.30pm). Starting at the corner of Chancery Place and Inns Quay, the walk will meander around Mary's Lane, Halston Street, Hardwicke […]

Jesuit Dublin Walk

As part of National Heritage Week a walking tour will take place focussing on sites of Jesuit history and interest on the north side of Dublin City will take place on 22 August (11.00am-12.30pm). Starting at the corner of Chancery Place and Inns Quay, the walk will meander around Mary's Lane, Halston Street, Hardwicke Street, Gardiner Street […]