August Messenger: The builders’ holidays

August 8, 2024 in News

In this month’s August Messenger Father Gerard Condon, Director for Mission and Ministry in the Diocese of Cloyne and Parish Priest of Killavullen reminds us that August is still known as the “builders’ holidays” a traditional time for the the whole family to spend quality time together. He remembers the “dog days of August” when he was a teenager and there was not much to do. He says “The boredom of those weeks was not in vain, they taught the value of simply being and a reverence for creation”.

On 6 August we celebrate the feast of the transfiguration of the Lord, where Peter, James, and John saw Jesus radiant in his glory on Mount Tabor. The editor Donal Neary SJ reminds us in his article ‘Transfiguration’ that “Listening to the word of God is one of the most important graces of a Christian. At Mass we bow to the place of the Word – it is Christ who is speaking in the reading of the Word. We can open ourselves to this grace of knowing the divinity and humanity of Christ and believing deep down in our hearts that one day we will be transfigured so that our mortal bodies will be like his.”

Patrick Carberry SJ shares the Pope’s intention for August. “We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.”

Spiritual director and author Brendan McManus SJ recalls his “dark night” on the Ignatian Camino in Spain 1994. In his piece ‘Only Trust’, he recalls that as he prayed for inspiration regarding an important decision he needed to make, he got what he was praying for as he read St Ignatius’ autobiography, “I realised that his scruples or times of doubt were caused by being in the grip of fear and listening to the wrong voice of desolation”. He says that “only through being open and trusting, handing it over, I am free of fear and open to receiving God’s gifts.”

Mary Hunt is a frequent contributor to The Messenger, in this month’s edition she reflects on the ‘Beauty of the natural world’ which reminds us that God is alive with us. Still on the theme of creation, John Feehan, a well-known commentator on the environment, extols the creative power of God in his piece ‘The God of Small Things’.

Sister Stanislaus’ ‘Reflections’ article focuses on gratitude she says “Gratitude is where I go myself if I am struggling in any way, I come back to gratefulness, it is the most wonderful thing in the world.” Capuchin Priest Terence Harrington writes about letting go and letting God in. He explains “letting go is all about trust, surrender and abandonment, letting God take complete control of your life.”

In his article ‘Law and Order and addiction’ Father Peter McVerry SJ says “To make our streets safe, the government would be much better addressing the drug problem rather than focusing on punishment and convictions for those committing crimes.”

Joe Munnelly of Irish Jesuits International speaks with Phalles Ng’oma who shares his knowledge on climate-smart agriculture practices and why bicycles are the primary means of transportation for a large majority of people in Malawi.

The Messenger has all its regular features as well, – reflections, scripture, cookery, crosswords, children’s pages, nature focus, and RE:LINK.