Forthcoming events
10 November: Jim Corkery’s book launch (see “Corkery on Ratzinger” above) – Milltown Theatre, 5.30 pm
10 November: Liam Lawton in Concert – Gardiner Street Church, 8.00pm
12 November: Lecture by Patrick Jordan on Dorothy Day – Purcell House, All Hallows, Dublin 9, 7.30 pm
15 November: At the Gospel Choir Mass in the Virgin Mary Church, Shangan Road, Ballymun, a Ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the murder of two women and six Jesuits at the University of San Salvador, 7.00 pm. The theme of the Mass is “Accountability – No Peace without Justice”. All are welcome.
16 November:Milltown Institute: Screening of “Innocent Voices” in commemoration of the El Salvador martyrs, followed by reception, 7pm.
17 November: Launch of six FÁS publications by Cathal Goan – Leeson Street, 6.00 pm: see Short Notices.
18 November 7 p.m.: Irish School of Ecumenics sponsors a public lecture by Professor Ron Large on “Vietnam-Iraq: Language and the Ethics of War and Peace” at the Synge Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin.