Forthcoming events

- Tuesday 22 February: Public Lecture entitled “Church and Faith” speaker Fr. Gerry O’Hanlon SJ. Will be held in St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Gardiner Street, Dublin 1, at 8pm. For details visit
- Wednesday 2 March: Manresa, ‘Movies that Matter’, Series 3 – ‘The inner Journey’ continues fortnightly in Manresa until 30 March. Further information from 01 8331352 or visit their website at (
- Friday 4 to Saturday 12 March: Novena of Grace in honour of St Francis Xavier will be held in Gardiner Street Church. For further information visit See Short Notices for all Novena of Grace details.
- Friday 4 to Saturday 5 March: The Belvedere union Retreat, directed by Fr Peter McVerry SJ, will be held in Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin 3
- Wednesday 9 to Sunday 13 March: Trauma & Spirituality: An International Dialogue will take place in The Europa Hotel, Belfast. The conference aims to provide a local and international context for constructive dialogue and creative thinking about ‘trauma and spirituality’. Nearly 60 innovative presenters from throughout the world including keynote speakers Ray Helmick SJ (Boston College) and Michael Bingham SJ. For further information contact Colleen Brown at [email protected] or visit
- Friday 25 March: Public lecture by Margaret Silf, well-known British author on Ignatian Prayer, at 7.30pm in St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Gardiner Street Church. For further information, contact Gardiner Street Tel: 8363411
- Wednesday 6 to Saturday 9 April: Conference entitled “Broken Faith, Re-visioning the Church in Ireland” will be held in Milltown Institute. For further information contact Dr. Patrick Claffey (Tel: 277633) or visit
- Wednesdays 2, 9 and 16 March: Lectures on the Book of Kells in Milltown Park, 7-8pm. Details from [email protected]
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