Fr General in Gonzaga
Father Adolfo Nicolas SJ visited Gonzaga College Dublin on the morning of Saturday 12 September 2009 and was greeted by the headmaster Mr Kevin Whirdy, the Superior of the Gonzaga Jesuit Community Myles O Reilly SJ, and the Partners and Mission delegate Ms Deirdre Soffe. In the college, Fr Nicolas met with members of the Ignatian family and with the Directors of Chairs and boards. He thanked them for their creativity and commitment, which he said was a source of energy for him in his own work. A few eyebrows were raised, however, when he declared that he was going back home to tell them that it never rains in Ireland! At coffee break he was introduced to students of the college who had recently returned from Zambia having worked on a volunteer programme there.
In this brief extract, Fr General pays tribute to Irish Jesuits’ missionary activity, remarking that “the Irish have always been great travellers”.