JESUITICA: C’est moi

When the French Jesuits brought the Gospel to Canada, their stories were relayed back to Europe in reports called the Jesuit Relations. In 1642 the brethren in France read of the capture, torture and enslavement of Isaac Jogues by the Mohawk Iroquois. They did not know that friendly Dutch Calvinists from Manhatten had persuaded Jogues to escape, and transported him to a Brittany beach. Clothed in rags, and hiding his mutilated hands, burned and with several fingers missing – eaten by the Iroquois – Isaac walked to the Jesuit college in Rennes. When the rector learned that this tramp had been in Canada, he asked: “Did you know Father Jogues? “Very well indeed.” “Have they murdered him?” “No, Father, he is alive and free – c’est moi!” It was a moment to savour, but within a year he was back with the Iroquois to face his martyrdom.