Lenten voices
The Province delegate for Ecumenism, Brian O’Leary SJ, and the JCC are producing a series of podcasts/radio interviews for Lent in which speakers from various denominations will explore their chosen Lenten and Ecumenical themes. Methodist Chaplain Gillian Kingston will outline John Wesley’s perspective on ‘social holiness’ and Presbyterian Minister Katherine Meyer will explain why traditionally in Ireland Lent was not a significant time for Presbyterians. Flautist and Church of Ireland Rector Gary Hastings explores the symbolism of ‘desert’, and Godfrey O’Donnell, Romanian Orthdox Church, explains the importance of the Resurrection in Orthodox theology and liturgy. Conall Ó Cuinn SJ (pictured here), speaking about repentance, begins the series, which will be broadcast on local radio stations around Ireland and made available as a podcast on www.jesuit.ie. Click here to listen to Conall, and here for an introduction from Brian O’Leary.