Media matters
A number of Jesuit ventures featured in the news this week. Richard Leonard SJ was interviewed by Dave Fanning (standing in for Ryan Tubridy) about his book Movies that Matter: reading film through the lens of faith. A film buff himself, Dave Fanning asked Richard to come on his own programme the next time he is in Ireland. You can listen to the interview here (at around 48 minutes).
On Wednesday, Pat Kenny hosted a lively exchange between Professor Simon Conway Morris and Professor David McConnell about Darwinism and religion. The occasion for this piece was Professor Conway Morris’s lecture on Thursday 21 February, organised by Studies review and the Iona Institute. Listen here.
Also on Wednesday, Eugene Quinn, director of JRS Ireland, spoke with Mary Wilson on Drivetime (RTE Radio 1) about JRS’s recently launched guide to the Irish education system for migrant parents. And the following day, John Carr of the INTO also spoke about the guide on Radio na Gaeltachta.