
July 22, 2008 in General, News

Getting to grips with MoodleMoodle, as every schoolboy knows, stands for Modular Organic Online Dynamic Learning Environment. To moodle also means to meander, wander about aimlessly. But there was nothing aimless about the day spent by the Provincial and some twenty of his more boffiny brethren and sisters in Belvedere on 18th July. A large Brummie (native of Birmingham) called Luke Sweeney, with the voice of a sergeant major and an inexplicable attachment to a soccer team called Aston Villa, led them with enormous energy through the intricacies of Moodle. He was a good teacher, and the whole operation was interactive, with everyone working at their own computers, but in immediate touch with everyone else through Moodle. What remains is to extend that level of communication to larger groups in and beyond the Province.