Reflections on Advent

November 23, 2011 in General, News

neary_advent_01‘I don’t agree with people who say we’ve got to put the ‘Christ’ back into Christmas’ says Donal Neary SJ in an interview with Pat Coyle on his latest book, New Reflections on  Advent (Columba Press €5). “All the things we associate with Christmas can be made sacred if we approach it in the right frame of mind.” His book offers a prayer and a reflection on the various Gospel readings for Advent, and he believes that those who use it during Advent, as preparation for Christmas, will find it a helpful guide. “Many people may not be finding great renewal in Church structures today, but if we go to the scriptures, where our faith is rooted, we can find real renewal within ourselves as we reflect on the Word of God.” Listen here or see him on the Jesuit homepage.