Short notices

July 29, 2008 in General, News
  • John Dardis SJ with Maltese provincial, Paul Pace SJMass for the feast of St Ignatius will be held in St Francis Xavier’s Church, Gardiner Street, on Thursday 31 July at 11.00am. The homily will be given by Fr Brendan Comerford SJ. All are welcome.
  • The Curia Offices will be closed, to celebrate St. Ignatius Day, from close of business on Wednesday 30 July to start of business on Tuesday 5 August. In real emergencies, contact the Socius on 087-684-7652.
  • The Jesuit Provincial of Malta, Fr Paul Pace (pictured here with John Dardis SJ), is currently spending some time in Ireland. He is staying in Manresa.
  • Donal Doyle, who went to Japan as a scholastic fifty years ago, has landed in Ireland in time for Ignatius’ Day, and will be here for a few weeks. He may be contacted through his brother Frank: 01-6761656.
  • Fr Peter McVerry SJ will address the theme of Christian spirituality and its capacity to be radically inclusive on Wednesday 30 July at 8pm in the Gasyard Centre, Derry, as part of the Gasyard Feile Festival.
  • Fr Michael J. Kelly SJ, currently on leave from Zambia, will celebrate the RTE Mass on Sunday, 17 August 2008.