Short notices

September 16, 2008 in General, International, News
  • Michael O'Sullivan SJPresident Mary McAleese, who will be conferred with a HDCL (Canon Law) in Milltown next month, has invited her former lecturer, Michael O’Sullivan (pictured right), to join the Forum she is hosting on October 1st to highlight the issue of “Domestic and Sexual Abuse against women and men, including older people in Ireland.” Unfortunately on that day Michael willl be in the University of Malta to support the launch of a new MA in Spirituality.
  • On 24 September Lusaka, Zambia, will see the launch of an important book by Fr Michael J. Kelly. Education: for An Africa Without AIDS is part of his service of the poor through critical research and advocacy. Professor Kelly is widely known at both national and international level for addressing the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS in Zambia and other developing countries.
  • Pope Benedict has appointed two Jesuits (Cardinal Albert Vanhoye and Fr General Nicolas) to the Synod of Bishops which meets in Rome next month. Six other Jesuits will serve the Synod as experts.
  • On Tuesday 30th September at 7.30pm Fr Tom Sweetser SJ, who has written important books on parish development, will address the parish of Ayrfield and interested parties from the Dublin Diocese on ‘Bringing Parish to the Next Level.’ Venue: Catholic Church, Ayrfield, off Blunden Drive. Ard na Greine, Dublin 13.
  • On 13 September Manresa House hosted a retreat for Gardiner Street helpers. The day’s focus was on the work and mission of a parish, against the backdrop of the 35th Jesuit General Congregation (with insights from our Delegate there, Jim Corkery SJ); and on the huge needs of the developing world, conveyed by Sr Cyril IBVM who has worked in India for over 50 years.