Short Notices

September 8, 2009 in General, News
  • birmingham_01In Birmingham on 5 September, the four provincials (Ireland, Britain, Netherlands, N.Belgium)  met for the first time with Tom Layden, the new Delegate for Interprovincial cooperation and planning, and  ‘launched’ him. The picture shows Back L to R: Michael Holman (Britain), Tom Layden, Jan Bentvelzen (Netherlands), Front: John Dardis (Ireland), Fons Swinner (N.Belgium)
  • A website has been set up to profile the breadth and range of Jesuit social ministries around the world. Jesuits and partners in mission are invited to utilise the new site,, to explore the range of social action, analysis and advocacy activities around the world. The site uses data from the Universal Catalogue of the Social Apostolate, and features an interactive map highlighting ministries at work in each country. The site also includes blogging and calendar features for registered users, and an easy link for authorised updates, revisions and new additions.
  • Edmond Grace has produced three short videos in which he argues the case for voting Yes to the Lisbon Treaty in the upcoming referendum. They can be viewed on the Jesuit Communication Centre’s YouTube channel.
  • The General Secretariat of the Society of Jesus has released the statistics for the year 2008, showing a slight decline in the number of Jesuits worldwide. The total number of Jesuits as of 1 January 2009 stood at 18,515. This included 13,112 priests, 2,920 scholastics, 1,675 brothers and 809 novices. This was a net loss of 304 from 1 January 2008, but was a smaller decline in relation to the previous year. The average age of all Jesuits stands at 57.44 years. The average age of priests stands at 64.24 years, while the average age of scholastics is 28.96 years, and the average age of brothers is 67.68 years.
  • Fr Declan Deane has moved parish, and his new address is: Christ the King Church, 199 Brandon Road, Pleasant Hill, California 94523: Phone 001-(925)6822486. His personal phone is 001(925)2461130.


8 September: CORI AGM

9 September: Meetings all day

10-14 September: Fr General’s visit

15-17 September: Gonzaga visitation