Short notices

October 6, 2009 in General, News
  • ecarroll_01Change at JCFJ: The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice has a new Acting Director, Eoin Carroll. Gerry O’Hanlon SJ will still be working in the Centre, focusing on his current research and forthcoming book.
  • Colaiste Iognáid (the Jes) has a staggering 19 players taking part in the schools interprovincial competion this weekend in Dublin, 3-4 Ocyober, 2009. There are 9 girls in the Under 18s and 10 in Under 16s for the Connaght squad. With winning the Kate Russell cup last season, hockey is stronger than ever in the Jes!
  • Next Thursday, 8 October (8 p.m. in the school hall), a panel of past pupils of St Ignatius, Galway, will recount their experience of the school and reflect on the changes it has seen over the last fifty years.  At its October launch the PPU aims to gather past pupils living in the Galway area. At some time in November it will organise a similar gathering in Dublin. Watch AMDG Express for details.


6-7 October: Gardiner Street Apostolates: Visitation

8-10 October: Superiors’ meeting

12-13 October: Various meetings

14 October: Province Consult

15-21 October: Malta: meetings of CEP and EOC