Short notices
A meeting of the Jesuit University Pastoral Care Europe (JUPC) will take place in Mount St. Joseph Retreat House, Malta, on 3-6 November. The theme is: ‘Spirituality in Action: Chaplaincy in a Challenging Context’. Irish Jesuit Leon Ó Gioláin (pictured here) will attend, while Fr. James Hanvey S.J. will facilitate in prayer, reflection and sharing on the socio-political and ecclesial realities of contemporary Europe and the challenges these pose to our ministry.
- October is Mission Month, a good time to check the video collection on the Jesuit Mission Office’s YouTube channel. There is a fascinating video on the work the Jesuits have done, and continue to do, in Zambia, particularly in the Chikuni mission and Canisius High School. The channel also contains various interviews with John Guiney SJ, director of the Jesuit Mission Office.
- 2012 is the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic. Messenger Publications is marking this event with the launch of Fr Browne’s Titanic Album, edited by Fr Eddie O’Donnell SJ. This will take place in Cobh Heritage Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork, on Wednersday 23 November. All welcome. Enquiries to Vera Casey (01-6767491).
- The bi-annual meeting involving European Jesuits and lay colleagues in the social sector took place in the beautiful Reformation city of Geneva recently with the theme of ‘Global governance’. There was a revealing input from the Nuncio, the Representative of the Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva, about the important work the Holy See can do in putting issues of inclusivity, transparency and equality of power and social justice on the agenda of the UN – while admitting that his job was to represent the Church ‘ad extra’ and he could not comment on how these same issues played out in the Church ‘ad intra’!
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