Blowing minds
When the association of bursars of religious institutions, some 150 of them, met for their annual conference in Emmaus Retreat House, they looked for something on the programme that would help them think outside the box of double-entry book-keeping, so they invited Milltown Rector Conall Ó Cuinn (his title: What colour is the cloud?) and Breda O’Brien (on: Simple as doves, wise as serpents). Conall has developed multi-media presentations using film, image and language, through a Mac programme called Keynote, with clips from The Girl with the Pearl Earring, Schindler’s List, an advertisement for Lotto, and Madonna singing Don’t cry for me, Argentina. Minds were blown. Incredibly, some bursars were seen to shed tears. Breda, no novice at the game, said she had learned one lesson: Do not take the platform after Conall Ó Cuinn.