Magis Ireland programme launched
November 9, 2011
Magis Ireland, the Jesuit outreach to young adults, officially launched its range of activities for 2011-12 on Friday 4 November, 6.30pm, with a cheese and wine reception in their offices...
Read moreForthcoming events
November 9, 2011
Saturday 12 November: Inter-faith Experience for Young People. Magis Ireland, Gardiner Street and the Lantern Centre Synge Street at 9.30am to 7.30pm. Further information contact Noelle Fitzpatrick at [email protected] or...
Read moreShort notices
November 9, 2011
For the first time in seven years, Belvedere, competing against 67 other teams, has won the UCD Literary and Historical Society Schools Mace, the most coveted senior debating trophy in...
Read moreCelebrating good working relationships
November 9, 2011
Bill Toner SJ was one of the guest speakers at a ceremony marking the 60th anniverary of the National College of Ireland. The college, formerly known as the Catholic Workers’...
Read moreSacred Space booked
November 9, 2011
Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2012, has just been launched this month. Published by Veritas, this eighth edition is based on the popular online prayer website of the Irish Jesuits,...
Read moreChallenging chaplaincy
November 9, 2011
‘Spirituality in Action: Chaplaincy in a Challenging Context’ was the theme of the second meeting of JUPC.eu (Jesuit University Pastoral Care, Europe), Mount St. Joseph’s Spirituality Centre, Malta, 3-6 November....
Read moreTitanic re-launch
November 9, 2011
Jesuit priest Fr Browne’s vow of obedience saved his life when, by telegram, his Provincial ordered him off the Titanic. But the gifted photographer still managed to get some wonderful shots of the ship and...
Read moreBlowing minds
November 9, 2011
When the association of bursars of religious institutions, some 150 of them, met for their annual conference in Emmaus Retreat House, they looked for something on the programme that would...
Read moreJESUITICA: a Jesuit geneticist
November 9, 2011
Last month the Portuguese Province buried Fr Luis Archer, a brilliant geneticist who had been a Jesuit for 64 years. He taught molecular genetics in 13 different universities, being distinguished...
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