Messenger autumn catalogue

Messenger Publications, the publishing house of the Irish Jesuits, has just released the latest collection of books for Autumn 2023 (Autumn 2023 catalogue »). It includes titles on the wisdom of St Ignatius, practical and scholarly reflections on Gospel readings, as well as bestsellers such as the Sacred Space prayerbook. There are also several recent releases that readers may have missed and a list of accessible booklets. Find some examples below:
Sacred Space – The Prayerbook 2024 »
Sacred Space: The Prayerbook is an invaluable aid to daily prayer and daily reflection. It is based on a simple daily prayer drawn from scripture and inspired by the spirituality of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
The Sacred Space website is available here » for online prayers and you can also download an app for iOS and Android.
Each day of Sacred Space: The Prayerbook includes Scripture reading and points of reflection, as well as a weekly topic enhanced by six steps of prayer and reflection: The Presence of God, Freedom, Consciousness, The Word, Conversation, and Conclusion.
Ignatius Loyola: Christian Mystic by Brian O’Leary SJ
Drawing on his own familiarity with the sources, O’Leary (a Spiritual Director and expert on Ignatian Spirituality) gives a clear and accessible account of what we now know about Ignatius as a mystic, offering a truly transforming reading experience.
Today, Ignatius is recognised as a major mystic in the western Christian tradition and his other qualities and achievements are seen in a new light – as flowing from the deep inner fountain that is his mystical relationship with God.
Lift Up Their Hearts: Visiting Older People » by Mary Threadgold RSC
A practical resource written for the benefit of those visiting older people in nursing homes, or visiting those housebound in their homes on a long-term basis. This booklet is divided into two parts: Part One is for general use and Part two is for those for whom spirituality is particularly valued.
The Word is Near You, On Your Lips and In Your Hearts – Reflections on the Weekday Readings for the Liturgical Year 2023-2024 by Fr Martin Hogan
The reflections in this book are based predominantly on the gospel readings for the weekdays of the coming liturgical year, 2023/24, with occasional references to the first reading. They follow the sequence of the weekdays of the liturgical year, beginning with the Monday of the first week of Advent on 4 December. In the course of the liturgical year, the gospel readings present us with a significant selection of the words and deeds of Jesus from all four gospels.
In and through these gospel readings we encounter the living word of the risen Lord to his church. There is rich fare here to nourish our faith life and to help us to grow in our knowledge and love of the Lord. These short reflections attempt to listen to the gospel readings on their own terms while showing how they can continue to speak to our lives today.
Those who travel this journey will discover that the Lord is very near to them in and through his Word. Our baptismal calling is to allow the Lord’s word to take root in our hearts and to bear fruit in our lives.
Freedom from the Prison of Addiction: Spiritual and Secular Wisdom » by Martina Killeavy
The role that spirituality can play in recovery from addiction is poorly understood. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung described alcoholism as a ‘spiritual disease’ that demanded a spiritual awakening.
How do you have a spiritual awakening, however? How, when you are suffering with addiction, do you find time in everyday life for spirituality? In Freedom from the Prison of Addiction, Martina Killeavy marries the genius of St Ignatius to the famous Twelve-Step Programme of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The result is that a pattern of gratitude, an ability to stay anchored in the present and a facility to find God in all things enters daily life. In that pattern of gratitude and that relationship with God is one path to freedom.
Martina Killeavy is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin with a Masters in Counselling Psychology. She is also a qualified guide of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius.
Click here for the Autumn 2023 catalogue containing the full collection of titles ».