Spirit Moves – RTE Radio 1
This week, the government announced the largest spending programme in the history of the State. 184-billion-euro will be spent over the next seven years with the aim of giving us all a better quality of life. <br />
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But what makes a good quality of life? What makes life worthwhile? What gives it meaning? Or does it have to have a meaning? And can we achieve real happiness if we have no spiritual dimension to our lives? <br />
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Susan discussed these questions with Austin Hughes, Chief Economist with IIB Bank, Paula Downey of Downey Youell Associates, Ian Robertson, Professor of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin and Marie Ward who’s a volunteer leader with Sli Eile.<br />
<a href=”http://jesuit.ie/blog/serendipity/exit.php?url=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydGUuaWUvcmFkaW8xL3NwaXJpdG1vdmVzL3JhbXMvMjAwNy8yOGphbnVhcnkuc21pbA==&entry_id=83″ title=”http://www.rte.ie/radio1/spiritmoves/rams/2007/28january.smil” onmouseover=”window.status=’http://www.rte.ie/radio1/spiritmoves/rams/2007/28january.smil’;return true;” onmouseout=”window.status=”;return true;” >Click to listen</a><br />