Ballymun Gospel Choir’s big year

July 1, 2008 in General, News

Ballymun Gospel Choir in concertThe Ballymun Gospel Choir Mass is taking its summer break after a busy year which included a televised mass for RTE, appearances at Farmleigh House and the Irish Premiere of the Poverty Requiem, as well as the recent end-of-year concert for the Simon Community. The Gospel Mass will return at Ballymun’s Virgin Mary Church on 14 September at 7pm. Auditions for new choir members will be held at the end of August. For further information please contact Cathy, Musical Director, on (01) 8943163 or 085-1127306. Read more for a review of their recent concert.

Ballymun Gospel Choir at St Anne’s Church
Saturday June 14, 2008

By Evelyn Walsh

St Annes Church has been one of the grande dames of Dawson Street for over 300 years. On Saturday 14 June its foundations were rocked to the core – ringing with the joyful voices of the Ballymun Gospel Choir.

The very figures in the many stained glass windows joined the audience clapping and swaying to the sheer power and ‘joie de vivre’ of the human voice raised in praise.

Supported by Sli Eile, the Choir have for some years now been lifting the roof every Sunday evening at the 7pm Mass in Shangan Rd Ballymun.

The concert on June 14th was in aid of the Dublin Simon Community and opened gently with ‘Swing Low Sweet Chariot’ which rocked into a reggae version before it ended. Then the Choir worked their way through a fine mix of lively and uplifting gospel music. Audience emotion was gently stoked with such classics as ‘Something Inside So Strong’ , ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘You Raise Me Up’. Feet and hands were then whipped into tapping and clapping in unison with the Choir’s wonderful versions of ‘Shackles (Off My Feet)’and ‘Oh! Happy Day.’ The concert finished with a powerful version of ‘He Reigns’ which left the audience on their feet begging for more. Not to disappoint, the Ballymun Gospel Choir came back with a rousing, dancing in the aisles version of ‘Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher’ as encore.

‘Lifting me higher’ indeed, the Choirs 20 singers backed by a strong 5 piece band keeps lifting the bar higher in terms of exuberance and sheer professionalism. An excellent night’s entertainment that raised much needed funds for Simon and left the audience glowing with love and goodwill towards all.

The evening was compered by the inimitable and hilariously funny Ballymun comedian, Eric Lalor, who is a fan of the Choir.

Keep the Choir supported and finish off your week with a visit to the 7pm Mass on Sunday nights. You won’t be disappointed!