Fatima Fiesta
The quinquennial world assembly of the Christian Life Community was held this August in Fatima, on the theme: “Journeying as an apostolic body: our response to the grace of God”. Each country sent two delegates along with its ecclesiastical assistant. Our Irish trio, pictured here, are Mary O’Meara, Michael Gallagher SJ and Fionnuala Howard. The international flavour, the uplifting effect of so many good people, and the human dimension of joy, laughter and deep sharing, all worked to confirm the gathering (some 200 strong) in the giftedness of their vocation to CLC. Fr General graced us with his presence, and gave strong support in confirming that the CLC has a special place in the Jesuit world. There are about 5000 CLC members worldwide. To have heard first-hand accounts of problems in countries like Zimbabwe, Ruanda and Cuba helps to strengthen concern for our fellow CLC members in such places.