Forthcoming events
- 15 September: ‘Studies’ conference entitled “Healing a broken Church? Catholicism after the Reports” will be held in Milltown Park, Sandford Road at 6pm
- 16 September: Gardiner St. Church – ‘Soul Journey’, guided meditation and prayer, continues each Monday at 6pm. For further information, contact the parish office on 01-8363477
- 17-19 September: Diploma Course in Spiritual Direction (First Year) will be held in Manresa House, Clontarf Road, Dollymount. For details, contact 01-8331352
- 19 September: Gardiner Street Church Gospel choir returns at its usual time of 7.30pm
- 19 September: John Henry Newman, Founder of the Catholic University, which developed into UCD, will be beatified in Birmingham. A delegation of student and staff from UCD will attend. Leon Ó Giollán will interview them on RTE on the 26 September.
- 22 September: JCFJ has event to promote volunteering within the criminal justice area. See Short Notices above.
- 24-25 September: Arrupe Leadership Programme will be held in Manresa House, Clontarf Road, Dollymount. For details, contact 01 8331352
- 24-26 September: Nurturing Faith and Prayer Course will be held in Manresa House, Clontarf Road, Dollymount. For details, contact 01 8331352
- 28 September: Manresa 8-day directed retreat. For details, contact 01-8331352
- 05 October: Gardiner Street Church ‘Country and Gospel’ – James Kilbane in concert at 8pm. Tickets €15 and can be got from the parish office. Tel: 8363411. Proceeds will go to the Pioneer Association.
- 07 October: ‘Making Space for Faith and Prayer’ will be held in Manresa House. Contact 01-8331352
- 5, 12 and 19 October at Manresa: Gerry O’Hanlon SJ will give three talks on A Renewed Vision for the Church
- Wednesdays of October: 8 pm, Gardiner Street Church:Brendan Comerford SJ will give a four-week course on ‘Teachers of Prayer – the Mystics’
- 17 October, noon: Custom House Quay, Dublin 2. Peter McVerry SJ will be MC at the launch of the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Refreshments afterwards at Liberty Hall
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