Prayer and money worries
The feedback from Sacred Space can be astonishing, a measure of where people’s concerns lie. In the last three months the Chapel of Intentions has shown many more Sacred Spacers asking for prayers because of lost jobs, evictions and bankruptcies. There was even bigger feedback to a reflection last month on how the financial turmoil had affected prayer. See “Something to pray about” below.
Prayer in a time of financial crisis
from MarketPlace, a new feature of Sacred Space
All this financial turmoil seems to touch my prayer in two ways. Sometimes I feel moral indignation at the greed of the fat cats whose desire for ever-greater profits has exploited the weak. I hope that they may move from blindness to a sense of the real world of people, and realise the futility of their greed that wants more and more money. “What does it profit to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of your soul?” (Mark 8,36.) But I know that such indignation is not always from the good spirit; it may be mixed with Schadenfreude in which there is little charity. I need to watch it.
At other times I feel fear and insecurity for myself and my loved ones. This pushes me to look at myself. Does insecurity make me more self-seeking and less caring about the needs of others, lessening my humanity, clouding my sense that people matter more than money? Or does this worldwide turmoil strengthen my compassion? Poverty is not good in itself, but where it leads to a deeper dependence on God and coexists with generosity it can be a rare grace – remember Jesus marvelling at the widow’s mite (Mark 12, 41-43).
‘Trop est avare à qui Dieu ne suffit.’
You’re too greedy if God is not enough for you.”
For the responses to this reflection, go Sacred Space.