Reflecting on the encyclical

February 9, 2010 in General, News

maynooth_01Maynooth College’s Michael Devlin Lecture for 2010 will be given by Dr Patrick Riordan SJ, of Heythrop College, University of London. His theme will be ‘A Blessed Rage for the Common Good’, and it will be the centrepiece of a half-day conference on the papal encyclical Caritas in Veritate. The conference, including Dr Riordan’s lecture, will take place in Renehan Hall on 16 February. Other speakers at the conference will address the encyclical from the perspectives of theology, economics and development. The number of places available is limited, so advance registration is required. The full brochure of the conference can be downloaded here: Maynooth conference on Caritas in Veritate, Feb 2010.