Short notices
The latest talk in the Clongowes Leadership Series was given in Dublin’s RDS by David Dilger, who left Clongowes in 1973 and served as CEO for Greencore group PLC for many years. Currently Director of James Hardie Industries SE, he outlined what it takes to be a leader, and spoke realistically of the up and downs to be expected. Photo: L-R: Father Leonard Moloney SJ (Headmaster of Clongowes), David Dilger (OC ’73), Hugh Geoghegan (OC’56) and Mrs Kate Dilger.
- JRS Ireland invite you to join them for mince pies and mulled wine at the launch of their Intercultural and Interfaith Calendar for 2012, Thursday 15 December at 6pm, in The Mews, 20 Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1.
The calendar is aimed at raising awareness of diversity in Ireland. Highlighting religious feast days from different faiths, and international UN celebrations, each month is themed with a quote. You can also bring a toy/gift for for a child aged between 3 and 12 to be given to children of Asylum Seekers living in accomodation centres in Dublin and delivered by ‘Santa’ the following week. - Listowel-born John O’Brien, former deputy head of Crescent College, has died. Affectionately known as Maxi by students and colleagues, he was universally liked and admired by both staff and students, including the many recidivists he managed to ‘turn’ in his long career. The stroke which he suffered some years ago did little to lessen his zest for life and interest in his friends and the school he served so well. May he rest in peace.
- It was a wet and stormy night, but almost 200 people turned out for the launch of Fr Browne’s Titanic Album by Fr Eddie O’Donnell SJ, in the Cobh Heritage Centre, Co.Cork on Wednedsay 23 November. Una Reilly, Chair of the Belfast Titanic society gave a powerpoint presentation on the ill-fated ship and highly recommended the book to those present. There had been extensive coverage of the publication and its wonderful photos on BBC and RTE, as well as on local radio and newspapers. Staff from Messenger Publications, who published the book, had a busy night selling hundreds of copies to all present.
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