Forthcoming events

December 7, 2011 in General, News
  • Monday 12 December: Lecture by Robert Kennedy SJ author of ‘Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit and Zen Gifts to Christians’, Gonzaga College at 7.30pm. Contact [email protected] for further information.
  • Monday 12 to Friday 16 December: Advent Triduum.  Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf  Road, Dollymount Dublin 3. For further information Tel: 01 8331352  email: [email protected] or visit
  • Tuesday 13, 20 December: Advent Prayer and reflection evenings from 7.30pm-9pm.  Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf  Road, Dollymount Dublin 3. For further information Tel: 01 8331352  email: [email protected] or visit
  • Thursday 15 December: JRS Ireland holding a ‘mince pies and mulled wine’ event  to launch their Intercultural and Interfaith Calendar for 2012.  The Mews, 20 Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1 6p.m.  Donations towards their Christmas Toy Appeal will also be happening on the night.
  • Saturday 17 December: Christmas Preparation for Children. Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf  Road, Dollymount Dublin 3 at 3pm-5pm. For further information visit or Tel: 01 8331352
  • Wednesday 21 December: Steps2Serenity: 12 Step Meditation and Prayer evening 8pm-9.30pm.  Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf  Road, Dollymount Dublin 3. For further information, tel: 01 8331352, email: [email protected], or visit
  • Saturday 24, Sunday 25 December: St Francis Xavier Chruch, Gardiner St. Vigil of Christmas Masses: Family Mass 6 p.m., Gospel Choir Mass 8 p.m. Church Choir Mass 10pm. Carols  half-hour before each  Mass. Christmas Day Masses 9.15am, 11am (Choir) and 12.30pm.
  • Monday 26-Friday 31: St Francis Xavier Church, Gardiner St. Masses at 11am and 1pm. Sunday 1, Masses at 11am,1pm and Vigil Mass at 6pm. Monday,Jan 2-5, Masses 11am and 1pm. Office closed 25 Dec until 3 Jan. Phone during holiday:01 7072219
  • Monday 9 January: Magis International Volunteering South Africa 2012 Leaders Orientation. Leaders will work in orphanages, clinics; feeding centre’s, building projects, and working with vulnerable children.  For more information contact: Debbie Moore, email: [email protected], Tel: 01 8943165 /01 8880606, ext 25.