Short Notices

March 24, 2009 in General, Media, News, Pastoral
  • bill_johnston_01.jpgAMDG Express has had no picture of Bill Johnston since his stroke last summer. Today an email from John Dardis and John Guiney in Tokyo reports that: ” We had an excellent visit with Bill Johnston who was in good form (see photo).”
  • The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice has just launched its new website which can be accessed here. Lena Jacobs, Communications Intern, has spent the last number of weeks designing the new site to make it more user-friendly. If you have any comments please email Lena


Fr Dardis is visiting our brethren in the Far East. His movements are:

  • Hong Kong until 29 March
  • Cambodia until 7 April
  • Singapore until 10 April
  • Returning to Dublin on 11 April

Acting Provincial Noel Barber will be away from 26 March till 2 April, and Bill Toner SJ will be Acting Provincial for these days.