Studies on the Web

May 10, 2011 in General, News

studies_website_01Sean Lemass, a Taoiseach not given to flattery, took Studies seriously: “It has provided articles forming the basis of discussion which has sometimes determined the future of our country. A review of the importance and status of Studies…is important to the development of the nation”. Published quarterly by the Irish Jesuits, Studies is entering its hundredth year of publication – it appeared first in March 1912 – and is celebrating with a new website, launched last week: The online edition will enhance Studies‘ presence on the Web, where so much intellectual exchange happens. The new site contains the full text of the lead article, along with abstracts of the remaining articles. Next spring will also see the publication of An Irish Centenary, a collection of seminal articles from 100 years of Studies, by such as Sean Lemass, John Maynard Keynes, Pádraig Pearse and Sean O’Faolain.